Caglar Koylu

Associate Professor

My research interests are at the intersection of GIScience, network science, cartography and visualization with an emphasis on addressing real-world problems in diverse areas such as human mobility and migration, kinship networks, population geography, demography, public health, hazards and social vulnerability, public discourse and sentiment, and information diffusion.

Check out FlowMapper, a web-based tool we developed for visualization and analysis of flows - anything that moves across space-time such as humans, animals, flights, money, and information!

Office hours

  • Tuesdays: 10:00 - 11:30 a.m.
  • Thursdays: 10:00 - 11:30 a.m.

Research interests

  • GIScience
  • Cartography
  • Visualization
  • Spatiotemporal analysis and statistics
  • Human mobility and migration
  • Population-scale kinship networks

Prospective graduate students

I am always looking for MS/PhD or PhD students with one or more of the following research interests:

  • Human mobility and migration
  • Population-scale family trees & geographically-embedded social networks
  • Spatial interaction analysis and visualization (e.g., network measures, spatial community detection, spatial interaction modeling and diffusion models, flow mapping and clustering)
  • Geovisual analytics and human computer interaction (e.g., interactive cartography, flow mapping, coordinated views, and utility and usability evaluation, eye-tracking studies)
  • Network science, machine learning, GeoAI

In addition to the above research interests, students should have, or be interested in developing, ability in:

  • Foundations of GIScience
  • Geospatial programming and statistical computing in Python, Java, R
  • GIS Software such as ArcGIS or QGIS 
  • Database management systems such as PostgreSQL/PostGIS, GeoParquet, MongoDB, etc.
  • High performance computing, Spark, Hadoop, etc. 
  • Web-based GIS and Geovisualization: JavaScript, D3, React, etc.
  • Interactive computing using Jupyter and Observable Notebooks

Upon admittance you will be a member of The Geo-Social Lab, which is home to research projects aimed at developing innovative computational and visual tools to better understand and analyze massive and complex geospatial data and geo-social networks. 


We offer Master's and PhD degrees at the Department of Geographical and Sustainability Sciences. Before applying, please contact me with your brief research interests and CV attached. Please check our publications at The GeoSocial Lab website to learn more about our research in the lab. I invite competitive students for a Zoom interview. The interview starts with a 6 minute, 40 second, a Pecha Kucha style presentation focused on your background, skills and research interests.


  • Foundations of GIS (GEOG:2050) - FALL
  • Geospatial Programming (GEOG:3050/5055) - SPRING
  • Geographic Visualization (GEOG:3540:5540) - SPRING
  • Introduction to Geographic Databases (GEOG:4580) - FALL
  • Spatial Analysis and Modeling (GEOG:6500) - FALL
GEOG:3540 example student portfolio
Picture of Geovisualization courses

Example final projects


Picture of geovisualization students

Past projects

Graduate advisees


  • Hoeyun Kwon, PhD in Geography, 2023
  • Geng Tian, MA in Geography, 2021

Grants and funding

  • Principal Investigator, HNDS-R: Population-scale Kinship Networks and Migration, National Science Foundation (NSF), with CO-PI Jonas Helgertz (Co-Principal), $477,734, 09/01/2022-08/31/2025.
  • Co-Principal Investigator, Development of Small Area Interactive Risk Maps for Cancer Control Efforts, National Institutes of Health (NIH), with PI Jacob Oleson, Co-PIs Grant Brown, Mary Charlton, Sarah Nash, $1,188,804, 06/15/2022-05/31/2025.
  • Co-Principal Investigator, Project Haystack, GoDaddy Inc., with PI Caroline Tolbert, Political Science, University of Iowa, $234,491, 8/1/18 – 8/1/20.

Selected publications

* denotes student and/or advisee

View CV

View publications

Research areas
  • Geographic information science
Portrait of Caglar Koylu
PhD, University of South Carolina
Contact Information

University of Iowa
303 Jessup Hall (JH)
5 West Jefferson Street
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States