Maryam Torkashvand

Graduate Student

I have a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering and a master’s degree in Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems (RS and GIS). I am pursuing a Ph.D. in Cartography and GIScience, with a passion for Geospatial Data Analysis, Network Analysis, Human Geography, and Geoethics. My current research focuses on analyzing kinship networks and migration regions in the U.S., using family tree datasets and historical census data to better understand migration patterns over the settlement period and how they affect and are affected by kinship networks. In addition to my work on migration, I have published research papers in other areas, including groundwater vulnerability and risk assessment. I have presented my research at various conferences and am always looking for opportunities to collaborate with others in the field.

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Maryam Torkashvand
Contact Information

University of Iowa
216 Jessup Hall (JH)
5 West Jefferson Street
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States