Claire Pavlik
My research in economic geography focuses on the restructuring of service industries, especially health care, in the United States. Projects in this area include the evaluation of organizational changes in health care sectors, as well as the impacts that these changes have had on the availability of and access to health care.
Changes in health care delivery, particularly the shift from hospital-based inpatient care to clinic-based ambulatory care, have also led to increases in the role of home-based and family-provided care. My research also examines these impacts, as the services traditionally provided by health care professionals in health care facilities are relocated to the home site, with care tasks performed by visiting health workers or by unpaid family members. The methodological approaches of these projects include qualitative research methods and GIS-based assessments. In addition to my work in Geography, I am also involved in interdisciplinary research teams with colleagues at the University of Iowa in the College of Nursing and the College of Public Health.
Office hours
- Mondays and Wednesdays: 11:20 a.m. - 11:50 a.m.
- Fridays: 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. (via Zoom or in-person)
- Or by appointment
Research interest
- Economic geography
- 44:112 GIS: Urban, Social, and Economic Applications
- 44:132 Geography of Contemporary Europe
- 44:150 Senior Project Seminar
- 44:232 Topics in Economic Geography
- 44:297 Special Topics: Qualitative Research Methodologies
Graduate advisees
- Jane Moeckli - PhD Candidate (ABD)
- Barton Cramer
- Malini De
- Hong Yang
Grants and funding
- Obermann Center for Advanced Studies, University of Iowa, Interdisciplinary Research Grant. Project title: Revealing the Unseen Economy: Articulating and Valuing Unpaid Contributions to Care. Investigators: Claire Pavlik, Rose Marie Friedrich (Nursing), Sheila McGinnis (College of Public Health). Support received for Summer 2000. Total funded amount: $15,000
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Project title: Care access, drug effects, aging and mobility disability. Principal Investigators: Elizabeth Chrischelles, Robert Wallace; Investigators: Don Van Dyke, Claire Pavlik, Jon Lemke (all other investigators are in the College of Public Health, University of Iowa). Project length: 3 years. Total funded amount requested for the project period: $1,079,02
Selected publications
- Helga Leitner, Claire Pavlik, and Eric Sheppard, In Press, Networks, Governance and the Politics of Scale. Chapter for Andrew Herod and Melissa Wright, editors, Placing Scale, Oxford: Blackwell
- Claire E. Pavlik, Marc Armstrong, In Press, Parallel processing of spatial series, Chapter in Orville Vernon Burton, Terence Finnegan, David Herr, editors, Multimedia Renaissance in Social Science Computing, University of Illinois Press
- Dale Zimmerman, Claire Pavlik, Amy Ruggles, and Marc Armstrong, 1999, An experimental comparison of kriging and inverse distance weighting, Journal of Mathematical Geology 31(4): 375-390
- Claire E. Pavlik, Dale Zimmerman, Amy Ruggles, Marc Armstrong, 1995, The impact of autocorrelated error on the interpolation of statistical surfaces, GIS/LIS '95 Proceedings , Volume 2: 814-823, Bethesda: American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
- Claire E. Pavlik, 1996, Large firm strategies: Spatial patterns of production, Chapter 5: 67-86, in Daniel C. Knudsen, editor, The Transition to Flexibility, Boston: Kluwer
- Claire Ellen Pavlik, 1995, Gtterdmmerung or a Brave New World? International Regional Science Review, 17(3):361-366
Working papers
- Claire Pavlik, Economic Networks: Organizational Structure, Governance Mechanisms, and Competitive Advantage
- Claire Pavlik, Seeing the Doctor: New Technologies and the Rationalization of Medical Services
- Claire Pavlik, Helga Leitner, and Eric Sheppard, Network Geographies: Economic and Sociological Perspectives
- Claire Pavlik and Susan Behrens, Flexible Production in Home Construction
- Claire Pavlik and Rose Marie Friedrich, Relocating Care: Service Delivery Change and the Mixed Economy of Car
- Global health
- Geographic information science